Monday, March 12, 2012

Top 3 Late Night Snacks

            Well its that time on campus where everything is really ramping up. Everyone's returned from Spring break, and classes hit a breakneck pace as we approach finals. You can feel it as you walk on campus. Everybody has their thoughts turned to their projects and papers, and everyone's schedules are constantly full.

            To help my fellow students in this time of anxiety and stress, I thought I would, over the course of the next few weeks, share what helps me relax and tackle the day.

            Often I will be up late at night preparing for a deadline, desperately working to finish a paper or project. These are the nights that can really drive me crazy. Its dark outside, most everyone else is happily sleeping, and the end seems completely out of reach.

For me it helps to treat myself with some delivery food, and so I have a rotation of these top 3 treats to get me through the longer nights.

I hadn't actually had a single Insomnia Cookie until some friends turned me on to it this year. Now I can't get enough. You have to pay $6 to get delivery so I usually go with 2 jumbo deluxe cookies and milk. I can't stress enough: Don't forget the milk!

Coming from Chicago I am a huge Pizza fan. I love all different kinds of pizza. And from my experiences at MSU I've learned that the Dominoes large pizza is simply the best deal when it comes to delivery pizza on campus. Its cheap, the garlic crust is delicious, and is my go to for late night meals.

Jimmy John's is so freaky fast that one time I didn't even order it and they delivered (true story). Seriously though Jimmy John's sandwiches are easily the best sandwiches on campus and do deliver quickly for my late night snack emergencies.

Hopefully a few of these ideas can help you through your stressful late nights as they do mine. Feel free to share your top late night snacks in the comments below.

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