Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Detroit Tigers: Pure Michigan

For those who don’t know this is my first ever summer spent in Michigan, and I’ve been trying to see everything she has to offer. Last week I went to the Detroit River. I decided to follow that up with a an afternoon at Comerica Park watching the Detroit Tigers taking on the Colorado Rockies.

I’m going to preface this by saying I’m not a big baseball fan. I haven’t played since I was 14 and I can’t watch it on TV until it’s the bottom of the ninth in a playoff series. But I absolutely love going to games in person. Perhaps Wrigley Field has spoiled me but I love the atmosphere of a ball game. The ebbs and flows and rhythm of the game feel more natural. There’s something magical about spending an afternoon with peanuts and hot dogs with 40,000 people watching 2 of the best teams in the world battle in a sport over 160 years old. And so it was this past Saturday afternoon. We showed up an hour or so early to take in the sights and sounds. Unlike Wrigley, we were able to park a mere block away for $10.

Once inside the first thing I noticed was how beautiful the stadium was, a true gem of Detroit. The entire skyline of the city the backdrop. The park itself a fitting arena for America’s pastime. It didn’t take long for the buzz of the crowd to come to life with a solo homer from Cabrera in the bottom of the first.
I don’t actually remember much of the game. I know it was never in doubt,  but the specific events of the game are inconsequential to me. The memories I will always have come from the time with the friends, the beautiful weather, good food, and the sounds and atmosphere of professional sport. That’s pure Michigan.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Detroit River

What a great weekend! Me and some friends went down to the Detroit River for the weekend and just relaxed for 48 hours straight, its been awhile since I've been on a vacation and I'd forgotten the amazing feeling of simply sitting still, and doing...well nothing at all. There was no work, no school, no responsibility, just the cool air from the river and the company of friends.

In fact the Detroit River itself was amazing. Heading up, I had heard the river had a reputation for being nasty and polluted, but I found the cold water refreshing and the scenery beautiful.

Its been a great summer so far, and really its only just begun!

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Summer Reading

After a long hiatus and moving twice I’m now settled in for the summer, so let’s get back to it!

As I said, it’s the summer, which means freedom from homework, exams, and reading assignments. Therefore, we have time for one of my favorite past times, summer reading! I’ve purchased a few books I hope to read over the course of the summer and I figured I would share my goal with the interwebs.

1) Game of Thrones (Book 1 and Book 2?)
Season 2 of the amazing HBO television show is almost at its end, and I have already decided I will not be able to wait nine months until the next season to find out what happens next. So I’ve begun reading the source books by George R. R. Martin.
For the uninitiated Game of Thrones is an incredible fantasy world where warring factions struggle to control the throne, even as their enemies with supernatural power loom from just beyond the realm. Despite being a fantasy world this series is characterized by deep and dimensional characters and a gritty realism that is truly unparalleled.
 I am three hundred pages in and they are every bit as awesome as the show with the added bonus of insight into the minds of the characters, as well as added scenes the show didn’t have time to include. Hopefully I’ll be able to get through both Book 1 and Book 2 this summer.

2) Don’t Put Me in Coach
Written by a former college basketball benchwarmer and current Grantland columnist the book seems to be an autobiography of MarkTitus’ days at Ohio State with unique insight into the locker room. Mark being one of my favorite writers, I went and bought this book the day it came out but unfortunately I haven’t had the time yet to read it. I have looked at the pictures (right at my reading level) and found the captions full of the humor Titus is known for. If the book is anything like the captions or his amazing column, it will be a nonstop comedy train.

Another fantasy book and the sequel to one of my favorite books, The Last Wish, Blood of Elves should be a great collection of short stories based on a mutant monster hunter. If it’s anything like the first book it will be filled with moral shades of gray, vibrant characters, and gripping combat. Also the main character is a pure bred bad ass.

Back when I saw the trailer for the Daniel Craig movie “TheGirl with the Dragon Tattoo” I wanted to read the book before seeing the movie. The book ended up being so good and such a complete telling of the story that I didn’t want to experience it in any other medium and have the potential to ruin my vision of these characters. I don’t know much about the sequel aside from that I can’t wait to find out what’s going to happen next.

So feel free to spoil these books for me if I don’t finish them by the end of the summer, I’ll deserve it. Really I wrote this because I want to know what you are reading this summer. Post in the comments below!